Low mileage of bikes is one of the main complaints of bike owners despite owning a good brand product. Many feel that all there expenses are going in there bikes in the form of fuel. And mileage is one of the leading decision-makers in owning bikes. So here are some tips you can use to maintain the average of your bike
● Regular servicing- Regarding the health of your engine, regular servicing can be the main factor in improving the average of your bike, and not only this but it can also extend the life of the engine. If you are not able to take it on service at regular intervals of time, then make sure to check the oil of the bike and try to use the one which is preferred by the manufacturing company.
● Avoid driving rashly- Sudden pulling of breaks and acceleration of the bike can severely damage the performance of the bike. Always keep a light hand on the throttle and avoid accelerating the bike at a high rpm level in short gear. Many two-wheeler companies recommend using bikes at a speed of 50-60 km per hour so as to get the best mileage.
● Good quality of fuel- Always fill your bike with good quality of the fuel as it will increase the performance of the engine and will keep it healthy. It will also improve the fuel economy of the bike.
● Tyre pressure check- Always keep the tires checked as less air pressure will lead to more friction resulting in low mileage. Keep the pressure of the tires as recommended by the company.
● Switch of the engine on red signals- Sometimes the signals tend you to wait for a longer time. So it is preferred to switch off your engine as it will only benefit your engine. This will save both fuel and the health of your engine.
Bajaj bike dealers provide you with the best bikes in all over India. Being the best manufacturers in India, Bajaj has spread its roots all over India. Keeping the satisfaction of its customers on the upper hand NKD Bajaj showrooms are well known for its high discounts and after-sale services. So visit today and get the advantages of the best.
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