On Indian crowded roads and highways, where bumper -to -bumper driving is the bane for every car driver, owning a two-wheeler can be a relief. Not only is weaving through traffic is much easier, but you can also find parking anywhere and travel short distances without spending too much money. Here are some important things you should keep in mind before purchasing a bike-: ● Choosing an established brand of two-wheeler is important as it will provide you with the assurance of getting a quality product. ● With prices going up each day, you must keep aside a considerable amount within which you can easily purchase a two-wheeler from a renowned brand ● One of the most important factors to check for before buying any vehicle is the mileage that it provides. With the rising prices of fuel, mileage, this is the distance that a vehicle can cover with one liter of fuel, has become even more important. On average, a good two-wheeler will provide you with 35 km to 40 km. Howev...